Todd Wells

Todd Wells
25 december 1975 (49)
Verenigde Staten
Huidig team

Resultaten van Todd Wells

Datum Rank Race
16.12 3 Kampioenschap van Amerika Veldrijden (CN)
09.12 2 Verge NECCS #7, NBX GP (C2)
08.12 1 W.E. Stedman Grand Prix (C2)
02.12 3 USGP of Cyclocross - Portland 2 (C2)
01.12 3 USGP of Cyclocross - Portland 1 (C2)
25.11 1 The Jingle Cross Rock 2 (C2)
24.11 1 The Jingle Cross Rock 1 (C2)
18.11 4 USGP of Cyclocross - Mercer Park 2 (C2)
17.11 5 USGP of Cyclocross - Mercer Park 1 (C2)
11.11 1 Fort Leiws College SquawkerCross (C2)
04.11 8 Boulder Cup (C1)
03.11 3 Redline North American Cross (C2)
08.09 46 World Championship Mountainbike (WC)